While Diablo 3 is known for its colourful and stylized graphics, Diablo 4 appears to be taking a more realistic and darker approach.

Diablo 4 character shared by Redditor u/Helsinh

Diablo 4 character shared by Redditor u/Helsinh

The differences between Diablo 3 and Diablo 4 graphics were highlighted in a Reddit post posted by user u/Helsinh. The tweet showed two side-by-side images of Diablo 3 and Diablo 4 character builds, with the caption “D4 vs D3 graphics side by side.” “I adore the D4 style.”

The images quickly sparked a lively debate in the comments section, with fans of both games passionately defending their favorite version. While Diablo 3 is known for its colorful and stylized graphics, Diablo 4 appears to be taking a more realistic and darker approach.

D4 vs D3 graphics side by side. I absolutely love D4 style
by u/Helsinh in diablo4


One commenter, going by the handle dibblackbird, wrote, “What setting is that D3 shot taken on lol. Those aren’t max settings. I’m not saying D3 looks anywhere close to D4 but it still looks better than that screenshot. Looks like Nintendo switch”

Others were quick to point out the improvements in character design and animation in Diablo 4, with user Radulno writing, “D4 is a massive stepup in gfx quality and the side-by-side demonstrates that. I mean it’s a 11-year later game, I certainly would hope so lol. It’s not an accomplishment at all, that’s normal”

Another Redditor reaffirmed the improvement in graphics. Rustmonger wrote, “I installed D3 last night on PC to try and scratch my D4 itch. I had it at maximum settings and holy shit did it look terrible after playing D4. That screenshot is not far off.”

Despite the differences in style, most fans seemed to agree that both games have their own unique charm and appeal. Whatever the case may be, it’s clear that Diablo 4 is shaping up to be a worthy successor to the beloved franchise.

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